Saturday, February 27, 2010

Stash Report Week # 9

This week I finished my Lilianna quilt made with the Verna fabrics. I 've got to still put some Ric Rac on the quilt, but that will get put on after I quilt the quilt. I also give my Gone With the Wind Quilt to my friend so she can use it for a store sample. So this was a productive week of quilting. I also join in the for of the Spring Sewing Party over at Charming Chatter. That was fun, even though I didn't get as much done as I wanted. I did manage to do some cleaning in my sewing room, which needed it. So until next time.

Fabric Used: 4.5 Yards
Fabric Bought: 0
Fabric Used this Year: 62.875
Fabric Bought this Year: 21.375
Total Fabric Used: 41.5

Friday, February 26, 2010

Spring Sewing Party

UPDATE: 10:30 PM

Well this was the progress this afternoon. I got some of the pieces for my Fairy Dust Quilt done. I got a little flustered with the paper piecing and decided to clean the sewing room. I'm glad I got going early this morning and got a few other things done sewing wise. I'm also glad that I did a little cleaning as well everything looks so nice and clean. I also received a call from my mom and she asked us over for dinner. How could I say no to dinner with my mom & dad. Until next time.

Well as of 1:00 PM I've managed to finish the "Verna" Quilt I was making. I finished the borders and but the applique on. After it's quilted I have some Ric Rac to put in the white of the border. The pattern is Liliana by Crazy Old Ladies.
I've also finished the First block for the Pinwheel Sampler over at P.S. I Quilt.

Up next is to make Block three of my Fairy Dust Quilt. I've also got a few half Square triangles to make. Back to the machine.

Well I'm trying something new. I've decided to join in on the "Spring Sewing Party" hosted by Kelly and Joan at Charming Chatter. I'm hoping to work on a few of my Fairy Dust Blocks that I've have for a few years. I also would like to finish my quilt made with "Verna" fabrics. I've got things lined up and ready to go. I'm excited about doing this. So until tomorrow.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Gone with the Wind & Stash Report

Well it's done the Gone with the Wind quilt. I finished the borders and took a quick picture. I've got it on the quilting machine. In hopes of finishing it up this week. My friend wants to use the quilt as a sample for a quilt show she's vending at in the next few weeks. So this needs to get done soon. Besides that nothing else done this week, a few blocks made for a block of the month I'm doing. Until next time.

Fabric used this week: 15 Yards
Fabric bought: 0
Total fabric bought: 21.375
Total fabric used: 36.5

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Stash Report Week # 6 & 7

Sorry but I wasn't around to do the stash report last week. So this week will cover both weeks. Well first the good news or should I start out with the bad. I think the bad will go first and end on the good. This week I bought 15 yards of fabric. I have been waiting for the "Gone With the Wind" fabric to come in and sure enough it did. I bought enough to make a quilt and the backing when the shop that I go to has buy 2 yards get the 3 yard free. I had to buy something. I know that everyone else would have done the same thing. With that said 15 yards came home with me. I got the backing fabric for free. Free fabric is a girls dream. So below is the fabric for the backing I just love it.

I've already got some of the the other fabric cut out and I'm piecing it together. I should have the quilt done this week.

Now for the good news I managed to finish a few tops the last few weeks. I was so glad to get more things done. So here are a few pictures. The first one is my logged on quilt I had this done a few weeks back but didn't take a picture.

Same for my Fire Escape quilt that I finished in the last quiltathon.

Next up is Savanna By Bonnie Blue Quilts. This was made with the Harper's Fairy Fabrics.

These next two pictures are from a class I took last year at the Quilt Festival in Chicago. I finally put the borders on. I really like these blocks alot and thing I have to make another quilt.

Next up is "Freeze Frame". I call it Flipped Out because of the flip flop fabric I used. I just love how it turned out. Thanks Judy. Yes all this came from my stash.

Last one is a block of the month that I made for our guild. I have the ladies doing these each month. I just picked some fabrics from my stash and started to sew a few blocks together. I need to give them the yardage so I come up with the center block and built around it. I've always wanted to do a medallion style quilt. I've not showed them the finish quilt, it's still a mystery to them.

With all that I'm finally finished. This was a long post, sorry about that. I hope you enjoyed the pictures. Until next time.
Fabric used this week: 26 Yards
Fabric bought this week: 15 yards
Fabric added this year: 21.375
Fabric busted total: 21.5